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Adventures in Encaustic Painting

People often ask how I stay inspired to make new art day in and day out. I must admit, there are times when it's hard, and a while ago I was feeling low on the inspiration front....

That is when I decided to reinvigorate my creativity by painting a whole new subject matter and in a whole new medium!

For me, the challenge of learning, growing and pushing myself out of my comfort zone and exploring a new medium and subject matter is thrilling. Yet, it isn't always easy. Learning how to work in a new medium is a bumpy road.

Even though Encaustic Painting is an ancient art form (painting with melted bees wax and damar resign mixed with pigments), it has reinvigorated my creative inspiration to paint a new, fresh series of nature inspired art.


I call the series A New Day. It celebrates nature and is an optimistic continuation of The AND Series.

This recent adventure of exploring the limitless possibilities of encaustic medium was brought on by the need to refill the inspiration well. It has truly been a journey of experimenting with all that encaustic medium offers.... a long, winding road laced with many failures ....oh I mean - learning opportunities! ;) ... And creating a few jewels in between all the potholes!


I have learned along the way that while I may have an exact idea in my mind of what I want to create, I need to learn how to let go and flow with the inconsistent surprises that encaustic medium throws at me along the way. I've also had to learn how to do this with humor instead of frustration. What a life lesson! :) haha!


So, my advice when it comes to playing with this new medium is to do just that - play! And as much as it is a cliche, it is also very true...It's all about the journey, not the destination. aka. #mynewfavoritemantra in the art studio!


Onwards and upwards!



Also, if you live in the Bay Area, I am part of the 2019 Santa Cruz Open Studios Art Tour.


I invite you to visit my art studio to see live encaustic painting demos, check out my new artwork and enjoy a cocktail/mocktail. Hope to see you there!


Dates: Open TWO weekends: October 12/13. and October 19/20. Time: 11am - 5pm

Place: Pleasant Valley Art Studio

Email: and I will email you the studios address. Thanks!




Below are a few snaps of my new work and the inspiration and behind the scenes process in the studio.

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© Sandy Shaw LLC, 2016 

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